Monday, December 8, 2008

Luna Sunrise: Blueberry Yogurt

I like this line of Luna bars, especially the fruit based flavors. The Blueberry Bliss is like a normal luna bar, but on the top, it has a layer of yummy blueberry jam. "Luna sunrise" is the perfect line to categorize these in because it does remind me of the cozy breakfast feeling of "jam and toast." And the smell of this bar is just heavenly. Makes me want to gobble it all up in two bites. The calories are like any typical luna bar. This particular one is 170 calories, with 5 grams of fiber, 8 grams of protein, and sprikles of vitamins here and there. I love to keep a few bars in my purse just incase I get stranded somewhere without decent food, but recently my "bar stash" has gotten so big that I have to find ways to incoporate them into my daily eats.

Retails: $1.oo on sale at Ralphs
My Cost: $1.00
Calories: 170 each
WW: 3


carla said...


OFFICIALunda. last person on earth here who has never had a lara bar.

must rectify :)


Elizabeth said...

I'm a big bar stasher too. You should see my bar drawer at work. :)